
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  China's high-speed train manufacturers haven't been getting many positive headlines of late. Aly Song/Reuters


  The state-run Xinhua news agency seemed to serve one up on Wednesday, announcing in a report that China had won a bid to send a fleet of 40 bullet-train locomotives to the country of Georgia.


  According to the report, the lucky manufacturer was CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co., a subsidiary of China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corp. based in Hunan province. The engines and accessories would be delivered to the Central Asian nation by September 2012, Xinhua quoted a company spokesman as saying, adding that the successful bid marks a “significant step” for Chinese high-speed train manufacturers in former Soviet nations and Europe.


  The successful bid “symbolizes another solid step towards internationalization for China's high technology rail products,” the report said (in Chinese ).


  A sale is a sale, of course, and the developing world is a key market for the high-speed train industry. But the sale to Georgia leaves unanswered whether larger, more-developed nations will still look to China's rail companies when they undertake big projects.


  After spending hundreds of billions to develop the world's fastest bullet trains and create the world's largest high-speed rail network on which to showcase them, Chinese train manufacturers' had ambitious export plans, with some even talking about selling high-speed systems to California.


  But the shine has worn off China's high-speed rail efforts thanks to a series of setbacks over the last six months.


  In February, the Ministry of Railways found itself embroiled in a corruption scandal, and in early July, a series of glitches started to plague the high-speed network's prize Beijing-Shanghai line.


  Then, on July 23, came the deadly collision between two bullet trains near Wenzhou--a disaster that ignited an unprecedented outpouring of public anger online and damped talk of China selling its rail technology abroad.


  Against that background, announcement of the Georgia deal would seem to count as a victory and a possible first step on the path to recovery for the country's train builders.


  Or does it?


  According to Xinhua, Georgia's rocky landscape means residents of Tbilisi won't be rocketing around the country in 300 kilometer-per-hour luxury any time soon.


  Instead, China will be sending them locomotives that employ ventilation systems developed for high-speed trains but that otherwise rely on technology used in subways and light-rail trains. Once on the tracks, Xinhua reports, the trains could be expected to travel at around 120 kilometers per hour.


  It's not clear why the company is attaching the 'bullet' label to locomotives that are likely to be traveling at roughly the same clip as cars on some of the more permissive U.S. highways. Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive could not be reached for comment Thursday.


  Still, with the year they've been having, China's train manufacturers are likely happy just to be traveling anywhere, at whatever speed.




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