
来源:财会考试    发布时间:2012-02-09    财会考试辅导视频    评论

  There’s often a long lag between China signaling financial reform and the reform actually happening. But the wait for an international board in Shanghai an idea first floated in 2009 ─ is becoming China’s version of Waiting for Godot, with officials repeatedly dropping hints that foreign companies might soon be allowed to list yuan-denominated shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange only to fall silent when pressed for details.


  Some clarity is starting to seep through, however.


  In an interview with Dow Jones Newswires, Hu Ruyin, head of the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s research department said that the board would help route part of the country’s massive foreign exchange reserves overseas.

  Eugene Hoshiko/Associated Press2011年4月26日,在上海的一家私营证券公司,一名投资者注视着屏幕上的股票价格。在接受道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)采访时,上交所研究中心主任胡汝银说,上交所将帮助中国把天量外汇储备部分分流到海外。

  “China is facing a large imbalance in its international payments, while the international board will be supportive in easing the pressures arising from growing forex reserves as foreign companies could convert the yuan funds raised in the country into foreign currencies and remit such funds overseas,” Mr. Hu said.


  Alleviating the pressure of China’s unceasing build up of foreign exchange reserves is a key concern for Beijing, and the board could be as useful tool in meeting that goal. Given the size of China’s economy, it may one day be the case whereby foreign companies flock to Shanghai to raise money for projects elsewhere in the world in the same way as they do in the U.S. Given how many Chinese firms have gone overseas to list, as China’s financial markets develop Beijing might hope that a reversal of that flow would follow.


  But despite China’s pressing needs, in the short term the foreign firms lining up to list in China might be more focused on keeping their funds here.


  Looking at the who’s who of foreign firms that have expressed an interest in listing here a group that includes HSBC Holdings PLC, Coca-Cola Co. and General Electric ─ most will have capital needs in China for quite some time to come. Raising funds in yuan just to move them elsewhere in the world doesn’t make a make much sense yet.

  在那些已经对在中国上市表示出兴趣的外国企业中,大部分在未来相当长的一段时间内在中国都有资本需求。筹集人民币资金只是为了把这笔钱输出到世界其它地区的说法行不通。有意在中国上市的企业包括汇丰控股有限公司(HSBC Holdings PLC,简称:汇丰控股)、可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Co)以及通用电气公司(General Electric)。

  Moreover, given Chinese investors’ relatively low levels of sophistication, asking them to judge the merits of investing in, say, HSBC Holding’s plans to develop their operations in India, is probably a little premature. That would seem to be an opinion shared by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which only allows punters to invest in overseas listed stocks via fund managers.


  Chatter about the imminent launch of the board has grown in the local media in recent months. In April, the 21st Century Business Herald reported on a set of draft rules for the international board (in Chinese), saying that foreign firms would be able to use their yuan proceeds either in China or other countries, although overseas remittance might need approval from the Chinese foreign exchange regulator.


  But the wait is becoming ridiculous. In May at the Lujiazui Forum an annual conference in Shanghai involving Chinese senior financial figures banking regulator Liu Mingkang made a passing reference to the international board in his speech. Following Mr. Liu, China Securities Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin whose agency would be responsible for the board seemed to be skirting the issue until he thanked Mr. Liu for his interest in the board.


  The room held its breath. Was this the announcement everyone’s been waiting for?


  “We are ever closer to the launch of the international board,” declared Mr. Shang, clearly enjoying the anticipation.


  The whole room laughed.




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